It’s Time: Resuming My Walk Across the USA

In 2019, I set out to walk across the USA on the American Discovery Trail. Well, really, I set out to walk across the USA one-and-a-half times. The ADT splits between Cincinnati, Ohio and Denver, Colorado, so my plan was to follow the southern route through Missouri and Kansas in the fall, then fly to Delaware in February and make the full coast-to-coast trek via the northern route over the following six months.

Perhaps you remember that something else happened in February 2020. It all started innocuously enough. Some concerns about an illness in China. Then March Madness was canceled. Schools shut down “for a couple weeks.” And then… they never reopened, at least not for that school year.

I was in West Virginia when the crisis became fully established. As it happens, WV was the last state in the country without a diagnosed case. That made it easy to continue a little bit longer. Eventually, though, I threw in the towel, feeling like it would be utterly irresponsible to continue. Months later, when we knew a little more about COVID, I tried to resume, but it still wasn’t right.

This unfinished business has been on my mind ever since. On June 28, I’m flying to Cincinnati to finish the job, and I hope you’ll follow along. Before then, you can catch up on the journey thus far. All of my posts from the road are linked below.

Part 1: Cincinnati to Denver on the American Discovery Trail – Fall 2019

Ohio / Kentucky






Part 2: Lewes, Delaware to Pennsboro, WV on the ADT – Winter 2020


Maryland / DC

West Virginia

Part 3: Pennsboro, WV to Logan, OH on the ADT, May 2020

West Virginia


Part 4: Logan to Cincinnati, OH on the ADT, March 2021

Ohio (again)

Part 5: Cincinnati to Lewellen, NE on the ADT, June 29 – Late August, 2024

As I return to the trail in Cincinnati, I will continue to follow the American Discovery Trail for the first couple months, walking through Northern Indiana, Northern Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Part 6: Lewellen, NE to Portland, OR (and onto the coast) on the Oregon Trail, Late August – October 2024

In Western Nebraska, I’ll bid farewell to the ADT. Instead, I’ll follow the historic Oregon Trail back home to Portland. This isn’t a waymarked route. I’ve pieced together a viable plan using important historic stops on the route, roads still carrying the “Oregon Trail” name, and other assorted sources. This will lead me through Wyoming, Idaho, and, of course, Oregon.

Please support my work! I have launched a Patreon in advance of the upcoming walk. Learn more here.

3 thoughts on “It’s Time: Resuming My Walk Across the USA

  1. Good luck on continuing the journey! Looking forward to more updates and donkey photos

    1. This country is dangerously under-populated with donkeys, but I will do my best to document each and every one along the path.

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