Book #2 Is Here! The Camino Inglés and Ruta do Mar
After the newest edition of our guidebook to the Camino del Norte and Camino Primitivo was released in May, we had to wait a whole 22 days for our next book to hit the shelves. It was interminable! But here we go! Our newest guidebook, The Camino Inglés and the Ruta do Mar, is now […]
The Camino Podcast
A few years ago, I noticed that a lot of my students were interested in making podcasts. This was a ripple effect, I suspect, of the sudden popularity of Serial, This American Life, and other programs of that ilk. If I was going to be advising students on that kind of work and assessing it, […]
New Edition, New Title
At long last, the new edition of our guidebook to the Camino del Norte and Camino Primitivo has been released by Cicerone Press. Formerly known as The Northern Caminos, this updated version has seen the section on the Camino Inglés shifted to a separate book, in order to create a bit more space for new […]